In payment on credit purchase, you can add, update, delete, view and print payment on credit purchase. You can add and delete all direct expenses. You can add new entries and delete entries in purchase invoice. You can set supplier code and supplier name. You can set payment modes.

Adding “Payment on Credit Purchase” in Purchasing

Click on the “Purchasing“, in main menu then click on “Payment on credit Purchase“. Purchase on Credit Purchase pages will be displayed.

Click on “Add New” button in payment on credit purchase page.

Enter supplier code in “Supplier Code” field input box and supplier name will automatically be loaded in supplier name input box.

Enter amount paid in “amount paid” field input box. Enter paid by in “Paid By” field input box.

Then click on “Save” button and your information will be saved and confirmation message will be displayed on the page.

Delete “Payment on Credit Purchase” in Purchasing

Click on the “Purchasing“, in main menu then click on “Payment on credit Purchase“. Purchase on Credit Purchase pages will be displayed.

If you want to delete any record then click on “Delete” button.

Enter Invoice Number in “Invoice Number” field input box.

Click on “Load” button. Confirmation pop-up will appear. If you want to delete the record then you may click on “Yes” button and record will be deleted otherwise click on “No” button.

After deletion of record a confirmation message will be displayed on the page.

Print “Payment on Credit Purchase” in Purchasing

Click on the “Purchasing“, in main menu then click on “Payment on credit Purchase“. Purchase on Credit Purchase pages will be displayed.

If you need to perform Print operation in supplier information then click on “Print” button.

Enter Invoice Number in “Invoice Number” field input box.

Click on “Load” button then detail of specific Purchase on Credit Purchase will be shown in the table.

Click on “Print” button and your information will be printed.

View “Payment on Credit Purchase” in Purchasing

Click on the “Purchasing“, in main menu then click on “Payment on credit Purchase“. Purchase on Credit Purchase pages will be displayed.

If you need to view operation in Purchase on Credit Purchase information then click on “View” button.

Enter Invoice Number in “Invoice Number” field input box.

Click on “Load” button then view of specific Purchase on Credit Purchase will be shown in the table.