Adding “Counter Setup” in Point Of Sale

Click on the “Point Of sale“, in main menu then click on “Counter Setup“. Counter Setup pages will be displayed.

Click on “Add New” button in counter setup page.

Enter warehouse name in “Warehouse” field input box. Enter Invoice Prefix in “Invoice Prefix” field input box. Enter invoice return prefix in “Invoice Return Prefix” field input box. Click on “Price Type” drop down then price type list will be shown. Select your desired price type. Click on “Language” drop down then language list will be shown. Select your desired language. Click on “Second Language” drop down then second language list will be shown. Select your desired second language. Then click on “OK” button and your information will be saved and confirmation message will be displayed on the page.

Edit “Counter Setup” in Point Of Sale

Click on the “Point Of sale“, in main menu then click on “Counter Setup“. Counter Setup pages will be displayed.

If you need to perform any Update or Edit operation in counter setup information then click on “Edit Icon“. The detail of specific counter setup will be shown in the pop-up.

Make your desired changes in “Update Data” pop-up. After making all the changes click on “OK” button and your information will be saved. Confirmation message will be displayed on the page.

Delete “Counter Setup” in Point Of Sale

Click on the “Point Of sale“, in main menu then click on “Counter Setup“. Counter Setup pages will be displayed.

If you want to delete any record then click on “Delete icon“. When you will click on “Delete icon” then confirmation pop-up will appear. If you want to delete the record then you may click on “Yes” button and record will be deleted otherwise click on “No” button.

After deletion of record a confirmation message will be displayed on the page.